Adil Rashid

I'm sure us Yorkies will be talking long into the summer about Rash. It's obviously a massive blow for YCCC in their Championship campaign. His decision at Lords was staggering & one personally one I never forgave him for. There was a rumour at the time that Johnny Bairstow had said he was also too tired for this game & wanted to prepare for the winter series with Team England, however this was later retracted.
Andrew Gale clearly wasn't happy at Rashids decision not to travel to London tweeting " Training all done, head down to Lords tomorrow, can't wait. This squad is ready to run through a brick wall for the county " I believe Gale never forgave Rashid for his decision but did a U turn upon becoming Yorkshires coach.
These players centrally contracted to England may sadly feel they are more Team England than county  cricketers & certainly the time & money involved must start to make county cricket feel peripheral for them. It's clear that Rashids decision is a selfish one & the only person he's thinking about his himself. There's one certainty this coming season yours truly won't put a penny piece towards his upcoming benefit.
I think Chris Waters in the Yorkshire Post summed it up right by saying that it was now " a marriage of convenience " which I assume means YCCC still see his one day contribution as vital, it's easier for Rashid to continue playing with us & take his benefit than change counties. 
I'm sure I'm not alone in saying YCCC should have got rid, only time will tell who was right.


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